About The Skeptic

The Skeptic is published four times per year by Australian Skeptics Inc. Since the first issue was published in 1981, the Skeptic has printed articles on a vast variety of sceptical subjects ranging from alien abduction to zombies. There was even an article on Electroencephaloneuromentimpography. You can find out more on the evolution of the Skeptic in this brief History.

You can email the Editor with any enquiries or suggestions for articles.

To subscribe to the Skeptic, go to our online shop. Alternatively, you can download and print the subscription form, complete it and send it back to us by mail.

Recent Issues

The Skeptic is now in its 44th year, and our most recent issue is Volume 44 Number 4. You can have a peek at the cover and table of contents of this issue and other issues from the past 12 months, below. Each of the recent issues also includes one full article. You’ll need to have a PDF reader such as Adobe Reader.

  • Vol 44 no 4, December 2024. Featured article: When You Wish … – Kat McLeod lets us in on The Secret – how to manifest good things in our lives.
  • Vol 44 no 3, September 2024. Featured article: Discovering the Merman’s Mummy – Adrienne Hill takes a trip into the Rockies to find a lake-locked merman.
  • Vol 44 no 2, June 2024. Featured article: Unnatural Selection – Tim Mendham looks at Alfred Russel Wallace’s woo, the strange beliefs and chequered history of the other proponent of natural selection.
  • Vol 44 no 1, March 2024. Featured article: It’s the Way that You Do It – Melanie Trecek-King says science is best taught by teaching the skills, not the facts.

Recent Issues

The Skeptic is now in its 42nd year, and our most recent issue is Volume 42 Number 2. You can have a peek at the cover and table of contents of this issue and other issues from the past 12 months, below. Each of the recent issues also includes one full article. You’ll need to have a PDF reader such as Adobe Reader.

  • Vol 42 no 2, June 2022
    Featured article: AVN in the No-Standing ZoneTim Mendham looks at a judicial knock to the reputation of the AVN and its founder Meryl Dorey.
  • Vol 42 no 1, March 2022
    Featured article: Tics & TacticsTim Mendham reports from the sidelines on athletes’ predilection for superstitions, weird mannerisms, and promotion of pseudomedicine.
  • Vol 41 no 4, December 2021
    Featured article: The Great Australian Psychic Prediction ProjectRichard Saunders concludes a 12-year investigation by Australian and international researchers, covering over 3800 predictions from more than 200 self-professed psychics, and the results are not encouraging … for psychics.
  • Vol 41 no 3, September 2021
    Featured article: Emu StakesPaul Prociv looks into the controversial world of the Dark Emu.

Older Issues

Issues from more than 12 months ago are available in full below. To read them online click on the issue number you are interested in. You’ll need to have a PDF reader such as Adobe Reader.

2023Vol 43 no 1Vol 43 no 2Vol 43 no 3Vol 43 no 4
2022Vol 42 no 1Vol 42 no 2Vol 42 no 3Vol 42 no 4
2021Vol 41 no 1Vol 41 no 2Vol 41 no 3Vol 41 no 4
2020Vol 40 no 1Vol 40 no 2Vol 40 no 3Vol 40 no 4
2019Vol 39 no 1Vol 39 no 2Vol 39 no 3Vol 39 no 4
2018Vol 38 no 1Vol 38 no 2Vol 38 no 3Vol 38 no 4
2017Vol 37 no 1Vol 37 no 2Vol 37 no 3Vol 37 no 4
2016Vol 36 no 1Vol 36 no 2Vol 36 no 3Vol 36 no 4
2015Vol 35 no 1Vol 35 no 2Vol 35 no 3Vol 35 no 4
2014Vol 34 no 1Vol 34 no 2Vol 34 no 3Vol 34 no 4
2013Vol 33 no 1Vol 33 no 2Vol 33 no 3Vol 33 no 4
2012Vol 32 no 1Vol 32 no 2Vol 32 no 3Vol 32 no 4
2011Vol 31 no 1Vol 31 no 2Vol 31 no 3Vol 31 no 4
2010Vol 30 no 1Vol 30 no 2Vol 30 no 3Vol 30 no 4
2009Vol 29 no 1Vol 29 no 2Vol 29 no 3Vol 29 no 4
2008Vol 28 no 1Vol 28 no 2Vol 28 no 3Vol 28 no 4
2007Vol 27 no 1Vol 27 no 2Vol 27 no 3Vol 27 no 4
2006Vol 26 no 1Vol 26 no 2Vol 26 no 3Vol 26 no 4
2005Vol 25 no 1Vol 25 no 2Vol 25 no 3Vol 25 no 4
2004Vol 24 no 1Vol 24 no 2Vol 24 no 3Vol 24 no 4
2003Vol 23 no 1Vol 23 no 2Vol 23 no 3Vol 23 no 4
2002Vol 22 no 1Vol 22 no 2Vol 22 no 3Vol 22 no 4
2001Vol 21 no 1Vol 21 no 2Vol 21 no 3Vol 21 no 4
2000Vol 20 no 1Vol 20 no 2Vol 20 no 3Vol 20 no 4
1999Vol 19 no 1Vol 19 no 2Vol 19 no 3Vol 19 no 4
1998Vol 18 no 1Vol 18 no 2Vol 18 no 3Vol 18 no 4
1997Vol 17 no 1Vol 17 no 2Vol 17 no 3Vol 17 no 4
1996Vol 16 no 1Vol 16 no 2Vol 16 no 3Vol 16 no 4
1995Vol 15 no 1Vol 15 no 2Vol 15 no 3Vol 15 no 4
1994Vol 14 no 1Vol 14 no 2Vol 14 no 3Vol 14 no 4
1993Vol 13 no 1Vol 13 no 2Vol 13 no 3Vol 13 no 4
1992Vol 12 no 1Vol 12 no 2Vol 12 no 3Vol 12 no 4
1991Vol 11 no 1Vol 11 no 2Vol 11 no 3Vol 11 no 4
1990Vol 10 no 1Vol 10 no 2
Vol 10 no 2 – Insert
Vol 10 no 3Vol 10 no 4
1989Vol 9 no 1Vol 9 no 2Vol 9 no 3
Vol 9 no 3 – Insert
Vol 9 no 4
1988Vol 8 no 1Vol 8 no 2Vol 8 no 3Vol 8 no 4
1987Vol 7 no 1Vol 7 no 2Vol 7 no 3Vol 7 no 4
1986Vol 6 no 1Vol 6 no 2Vol 6 no 3Vol 6 no 4
1985Vol 5 no 1Vol 5 no 2Vol 5 no 3Vol 5 no 4
1984Vol 4 no 1
Vol 4 no 1 – Insert
Vol 4 no 2Vol 4 no 3Vol 4 no 4
1983Vol 3 no 1Vol 3 no 2
Vol 3 no 2 – Insert
Vol 3 no 3Vol 3 no 4
1982Vol 2 no 1Vol 2 no 2Vol 2 no 3Vol 2 no 4
1981Vol 1 no 1Vol 1 no 2Vol 1 no 3Only 3 issues in 1981


The digitised issues from the years 1981 to 1990 were released in March 2018. Prior to that, we published a number of collections: one covering the first five years, and twelve covering the next five, with articles grouped into topics. Those collections are available below.

Older Issues

Issues from more than 12 months ago are available in full below. To read them online click on the issue number you are interested in. You’ll need to have a PDF reader such as Adobe Reader.  
2021 Vol 41 no 1 Vol 41 no 2
2020 Vol 40 no 1 Vol 40 no 2 Vol 40 no 3 Vol 40 no 4
2019 Vol 39 no 1 Vol 39 no 2 Vol 39 no 3 Vol 39 no 4
2018 Vol 38 no 1 Vol 38 no 2 Vol 38 no 3 Vol 38 no 4
2017 Vol 37 no 1 Vol 37 no 2 Vol 37 no 3 Vol 37 no 4
2016 Vol 36 no 1 Vol 36 no 2 Vol 36 no 3 Vol 36 no 4
2015 Vol 35 no 1 Vol 35 no 2 Vol 35 no 3 Vol 35 no 4
2014 Vol 34 no 1 Vol 34 no 2 Vol 34 no 3 Vol 34 no 4
2013 Vol 33 no 1 Vol 33 no 2 Vol 33 no 3 Vol 33 no 4
2012 Vol 32 no 1 Vol 32 no 2 Vol 32 no 3 Vol 32 no 4
2011 Vol 31 no 1 Vol 31 no 2 Vol 31 no 3 Vol 31 no 4
2010 Vol 30 no 1 Vol 30 no 2 Vol 30 no 3 Vol 30 no 4
2009 Vol 29 no 1 Vol 29 no 2 Vol 29 no 3 Vol 29 no 4
2008 Vol 28 no 1 Vol 28 no 2 Vol 28 no 3 Vol 28 no 4
2007 Vol 27 no 1 Vol 27 no 2 Vol 27 no 3 Vol 27 no 4
2006 Vol 26 no 1 Vol 26 no 2 Vol 26 no 3 Vol 26 no 4
2005 Vol 25 no 1 Vol 25 no 2 Vol 25 no 3 Vol 25 no 4
2004 Vol 24 no 1 Vol 24 no 2 Vol 24 no 3 Vol 24 no 4
2003 Vol 23 no 1 Vol 23 no 2 Vol 23 no 3 Vol 23 no 4
2002 Vol 22 no 1 Vol 22 no 2 Vol 22 no 3 Vol 22 no 4
2001 Vol 21 no 1 Vol 21 no 2 Vol 21 no 3 Vol 21 no 4
2000 Vol 20 no 1 Vol 20 no 2 Vol 20 no 3 Vol 20 no 4
1999 Vol 19 no 1 Vol 19 no 2 Vol 19 no 3 Vol 19 no 4
1998 Vol 18 no 1 Vol 18 no 2 Vol 18 no 3 Vol 18 no 4
1997 Vol 17 no 1 Vol 17 no 2 Vol 17 no 3 Vol 17 no 4
1996 Vol 16 no 1 Vol 16 no 2 Vol 16 no 3 Vol 16 no 4
1995 Vol 15 no 1 Vol 15 no 2 Vol 15 no 3 Vol 15 no 4
1994 Vol 14 no 1 Vol 14 no 2 Vol 14 no 3 Vol 14 no 4
1993 Vol 13 no 1 Vol 13 no 2 Vol 13 no 3 Vol 13 no 4
1992 Vol 12 no 1 Vol 12 no 2 Vol 12 no 3 Vol 12 no 4
1991 Vol 11 no 1 Vol 11 no 2 Vol 11 no 3 Vol 11 no 4
1990 Vol 10 no 1 Vol 10 no 2 Vol 10 no 2 – Insert Vol 10 no 3 Vol 10 no 4
1989 Vol 9 no 1 Vol 9 no 2 Vol 9 no 3 Vol 9 no 3 – Insert Vol 9 no 4
1988 Vol 8 no 1 Vol 8 no 2 Vol 8 no 3 Vol 8 no 4
1987 Vol 7 no 1 Vol 7 no 2 Vol 7 no 3 Vol 7 no 4
1986 Vol 6 no 1 Vol 6 no 2 Vol 6 no 3 Vol 6 no 4
1985 Vol 5 no 1 Vol 5 no 2 Vol 5 no 3 Vol 5 no 4
1984 Vol 4 no 1 Vol 4 no 1 – Insert Vol 4 no 2 Vol 4 no 3 Vol 4 no 4
1983 Vol 3 no 1 Vol 3 no 2 Vol 3 no 2 – Insert Vol 3 no 3 Vol 3 no 4
1982 Vol 2 no 1 Vol 2 no 1 – Insert Vol 2 no 2 Vol 2 no 3 Vol 2 no 4
1981 Vol 1 no 1 Vol 1 no 2 Vol 1 no 3 Only 3 issues in 1981


The digitised issues from the years 1981 to 1990 were released in March 2018. Prior to that, we published a number of collections: one covering the first five years, and twelve covering the next five, with articles grouped into topics. Those collections are available below.

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Subscribe to the second oldest skeptical magazine in the known universe!

The Skeptic is published four times per year.
One featured article per recent issue - published in the past twelve months - can be previewed online, for free.

Issues published more than one year ago, plus special publications and compendiums, are available to read online in full, for free.

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Subscribe to the second oldest skeptical magazine in the known universe!

Events by State


Australian Skeptics Inc and NZ Skeptics Society are teaming up in 2021 to co-produce a one-of-a-kind Skepticon. November 20-21.

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Subscribe to the second oldest skeptical magazine in the known universe!

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